Beltane – Self Love & Sacred Sexuality

Beltane is one of the eight holidays celebrated in the Wiccan tradition. It originated in Ireland as a Celtic holiday in worship of the the God Bel. It occurs between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, and it is usually celebrated on May 1st. Beltane is a celebration of the love and fertility abundant in nature at this time. It is a holiday of fire.
In my personal practice of magick, Beltane is very sacred to me. It is ruled by the God of Fire. Beltane is a time to reconnect with your sexuality. I personal have noticed that during this time my triggers regarding my sexuality are activated. The month or so before Beltane seems to be a difficult time for survivors of sexual abuse. During this time, the Universe brings our issues related to sexuality to the surface to be cleansed and healed. It is a time to start a new cycle regarding our sexuality, our relationships to others, and our relationship with ourselves.

Self-love should be at the front of our minds, when Beltane draws near. It is important to be gentle and kind to oneself at any time of the year, but it is essential in April. April is ruled by the God of War Aries. I personal believe Bel and Aries to be one and the same. Aries is fiery, which can be used for good or bad. Aries may represent war, but he also represents the fiery passion of our sexuality.

It is important to connect with one’s sexuality at this time, whether with ourselves or with another. Healthy sexuality is a form of self love. It allows us to bring pleasure to ourselves and others. I feel it is time we embrace our sacred sexuality as a collective. Sacred sexuality represents many things. It is the source of our personal power, it is the connection to ourselves, it is the connection to another, and it is a connection to Source. Sacred sexuality is a divine gift given to Mankind from the Gods.

I encourage you to open to yourself at this time. Open now as the Goddess does to her consort. Open to everything you are in this human form. Look into the darkest sides of your sexuality without judgement. Touch every tender part of yourself with complete acceptance. Marvel at the beauty and strength of your body. Understand that you have been blessed to live within this body. Open yourself to complete self-love and acceptance. You are nothing less than sacred. Now open yourself further. Reach out to the Universe, to the Gods with your heart open. Let yourself be filled with love and compassion for the Earth and all her creatures. Here you are connected to the Divine. Whenever you feel alone, know that the love you crave is always available within your own heart. <3 Blessed be.