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Intuitive Astrology:
Signs & Symbols Workshop

Are you interested in learning about the 12 zodiac signs? Do you want to become an astrologer? Do you want a better understanding of astrology basics? Are you interested in symbols and their meaning? Then, you've come to the right place! The signs and symbols workshop is for those who want to develop a deeper understanding of the 12th zodiac signs, their meanings, and their symbols. If you're a beginner, that's ok! This workshop is designed as a first step to help you create a solid foundation of astrological knowledge. If you're an intermediate astrologer, this can help fill in some gaps! This covers material that most astrologers merely glance over or don't cover at all! If you're an experienced astrologer, you still may want to attend! This workshop combines the elements and modalities to create an entirely new way of understanding the signs!