Suffering as an Opportunity

In our day to day lives the average person sees pain and suffering as something to avoid at all cost. Yet, most people will remain in situations that cause them harm. People will even fall into patterns of self-harm. Why is it that people do this? The answer is simple: they haven’t learned their lesson. Now, I know this may seem harsh or cruel in some instances, but this is the case from a spiritual perspective.

We go through our lives learning lessons as part of our journey. These lessons have a great deal to do with human psychology. Over the years, I’ve come to realize spirituality and the processes of human psychology are very interconnected. Our spiritual lessons seem to revolve around the idea of reaching psychological health.

It seems the Universe will force a person into the same scenario until they take the time for some serious self-analysis. What most people fail to realize is that suffering is a sign you are not aligned with your higher self. In my personal path I have noticed, if I am not being myself the more I suffer. The Universe is trying to pull you out of your shell, so you can be the greatest version of yourself.

So how does one avoid suffering? In reality you cannot avoid pain, but you can choose not to suffer. We are in total control of our lives. When you are suffering, take a moment to reflect on why you are suffering. What situation is causing you to suffer? Is it your job or your relationship or something else entirely? Now look at why you are suffering within this situation. Are you in a job you hate or in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling? The most important question is: have you been true to yourself? Are you verbalizing your feelings? Are you doing things that resonate with you?

You’re likely to discover that something is amiss. We need to be able to take full responsibility for our suffering and for our lives. When you force yourself to go against yourself, you cause yourself pain. You deserve to have a job you love. You deserve to have a meaningful and happy relationship. You deserve to be happy with yourself.

Whenever, you are suffering, the Universe is telling you it’s time to change. We all know change is painful. The Universe puts us in situations that are more painful than change, because it forces us to grow. If we never experienced pain, we’d never feel the need to change. Without change we would become stagnant. Life is continuously moving, and it doesn’t allow stagnation. Change is life. So when you are suffering, see it as an opportunity to improve yourself. Understand pain is just the Universe nudging you along. Realize pain is the Goddess pushing you out of the nest, so you can fly!