Mercury Retrograde – Trouble in Paradise

Mercury Retrograde

Trouble in Paradise

Mercury recently went retrograde April 28th and won’t go direct until May 22nd. The current mercury retrograde is in the sign of Taurus, which rules love and money. Retrogrades represent a time to go back and reflect on certain decisions. You may be second guessing a financial decision at this time and have to rearrange your finances. You may be in a long-term, committed relationship and you are unsure, if you chose the right partner. You’re most likely experiencing communication problems regarding finances and romantic relationships.
Use this time to reflect on decisions you’ve made especially in regards to love and money. This mercury retrograde will effect you differently, depending on your natal chart.
Taurus on the first house cusp: Your personal life will be strongly effected by financial and romantic miscommunications.
Taurus on the second house cusp: This retrograde will effect you most financially.
Taurus on the third house cusp: You’re likely having communication problems with siblings over money or problems with technology in regards to writing and publishing.
Taurus on the fourth house cusp: There may be a lot of problems with communication over finances and romantic relationships within your household right now.
Taurus on the fifth house cusp: This retrograde will effect your love life the most.
Taurus on the six house cusp: You’re likely experiencing problems with your health and communication issues at work.
Taurus on the seventh house cusp: There may be some miscommunication problems with your life partner regarding money.
Taurus on the eighth house cusp: You’re likely to have misunderstandings regarding sex in your love life, and you may experience communication issues regarding shared finances and inheritance.
Taurus on the ninth house cusp: You may have to postpone a trip, due to finances. You could have to rearrange your finances regarding scholarships or grants, due to misunderstandings with an educational institution. 

Taurus on the tenth house cusp: Your reputation may suffer, due to misunderstandings regarding love or money.

Taurus on the eleventh house cusp: You’ll likely experience communication problems with friends or in social situations.

Taurus on the twelfth house cusp:You may be misunderstood regarding secrets that you keep.