New Moon in Taurus & Full Moon in Sagittarius

New Moon in Taurus

Love – You might begin a new relationship. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, and it is a fixed sign. Venus rules love and money, so relationships started in Taurus will be long lasting. If you are already in a relationship, this month is likely to deepen your relationship.

Money – You could start a new job this month and increase your income. Business endeavors started now are likely to be profitable and enduring. You are likely to make good money this month, and businesses started now are likely to be very successful.

Health – Taurus is an Earth sign, so it also has effects on your health. Your health might improve greatly, during this month. If you’ve been thinking of starting a health routine, now would be the time to start. Taurus is a determined and fixed sign, so you are likely to stick to any health regimes you start now.

Gardening – It’s planting time! Since the sun and moon are both in Taurus, this is a great time for planting! Gardening done at this time is likely to produce A LOT this year on a consistent basis.

Full Moon in Sagittarius

The full moon this month is in Sagittarius. Sagittarius represents freedom, travel religion/philosophy, and education. Considering the New Moon is in Taurus, you may have a new sense of freedom or take a trip, because of an increase of income. An increase of income may have a connection to philosophy or religion. You could get money from an educational institution or for advancing your education.