The Power of Letting Go

Through out my life I have desperately tried to control everything. I have personally considered myself a control freak. I am only now realizing the true power of letting go. I used to think that desperately obsessing over my goals was the only way to produce results. I have now realized this is not the case in the least. You should constantly strive towards your goals, but you shouldn’t push at such intensity that you create more stress than results. I have come to realize that there is a natural way to the Universe and success.

I remember obsessing over success as a child. I was constantly having meltdowns over possible downward spirals that could make me a failure. When I wasn’t gripped by the fear of failure, I was constantly calculating potential finances to lead myself toward success. However, I didn’t realize that true success was more than monetary gain.

Thankfully, I have grown wiser over the years. I have discovered that true success is in the quality of your life not the money in your pocket or your bank account. Success is being able to do the work you love, while having more than enough money to take care of your basic needs. How much money this accounts to is really on a case by case basis. If you know how to survive off the land, you might not need money at all as long as your happy and content with that lifestyle. True success is all about happiness.

In addition, the paths to success are far different than I would have imagined. I  thought success was all about careful and meticulous planning. Boy, was I wrong about that one. I have planned and planned and planned until my eyes are strained and I have a headache. Life isn’t suppose to be about constant planning. I’ve sat and wrote my goals over and over and over again. Even writing down goals isn’t enough to get the job done. The true mover of mountains is action, and I believe action is by far the hardest part.

How does one start to take action towards their goals? I discovered along my path that the hardest part of taking action was overcoming fear. All good things in life require taking risks, whether that be changing your career path, ending a relationship, or like myself starting your own business. If you want to succeed in life, love, or your career you need to overcome fear.

A little over a year and a half ago I was completely consumed by fear. I was living in an abusive situation, which worsened my depression and anxiety disorder. I was constantly thinking of suicide. I had dropped out of school. I had no job, and I never left the house. I knew I needed to escape, but I didn’t know how. I began slowly forcing myself out of the house. I entered a homeless transitional program to escape the abuse, and I was on a path to freedom. I learned how to write an excellent resume, and I got my first job, I learned to walk and take the bus to get around town by myself. I even completed my GED.

Now, I’m in college, and I’ve finally started my own business. I’ve overcome my mental illness. I’m practically never anxious or depressed, and I’m no longer plagued by thoughts of suicide. I’m also continuously striving to be healthier and more productive. I’ve completely change my life around in less than two years, which I think is pretty amazing. How did I accomplish all this? The answer is simple: I started to face my fears. I now try to constantly overcome my fears, because I never want to be that powerless, and helpless again. Fear can incapacitate you, so FACE YOUR FEARS.

After turning my life around, I really discovered the key to spiritual and material success. The key is to let go. Fear can too easily take control of our lives, when we try to control and plan every little detail. I still believe goal setting and planning are important components to success, but don’t let them become more important than success itself.

I came to realize this, through my art work and blog. When I was young, I wanted to write stories and make lots of money. I tried to write, but I couldn’t stay focused or I’d hit a block. I had wonderful book ideas, but I couldn’t ever really finish a book. I’d try to plan them out, and I got no where. However, I discovered the other day I had all the knowledge to write this blog. I have all this information, and I found this place to share it all. It seems all of it comes out with ease. My art and poetry have been the same way. I have simply done what is natural and the results are profound. By letting go I have discovered my true talents and purpose. Do what comes naturally and the Universe will do the rest. Everything you need for your journey and your mission is already available to you if you just take the time to look. Remember it’s called a LEAP of faith for a reason. It’s not a step or shuffle. Trust the Universe and leap into your talents and passions. I promise the Universe can catch you, if you fall.