Litha Summer Solstice: Full Moon Reading 2016

Past: Seclusion Four of Swords Tarot
In the past you may have felt isolated from the world and other people. You might have gone through some form of initiation. Things have been difficult, but they have taught you important lessons. The foundation of your life cracked and crumpled; this was your initiation into the ancient mysteries. Struggles in your life forced you to go within and reevaluate your life. You may have went on a spiritual journey that required seclusion. You might have had significant spiritual realizations through isolation. You have likely spent time connecting with the Earth and getting back to your roots. You gained and developed your personal power through introspection and forced solitude.
Present: Tyr Prince of Swords Tarot
You have triumphed, but it may be at the cost of others wellbeing. You are standing on top as the victor, but you may have stepped on others toes, on your way up. You have fought many battles in life, and you have won. There was great pain in your life, but you learned to overcome it. You have a strong warrior personality with the will to survive life’s struggles. This has brought you far. However, be careful not to tear others down in an effort to raise yourself up. You have a very dominant personality, but there may be illness and heartlessness in your heart or environment. You might be experiencing oppression or dealing with natural disasters. However, you could be the one dominating and oppressing the people around you.
Future: Fate Three of Wands Tarot
You are going to get tangled in the webs of fate, and you will discover your destiny. Everything in your life has happened for a reason, and you will soon learn this reason. You may experience a change of life. This could represent a loss of innocence, becoming a parent, or stepping into the role of an Elder. Changes are occurring fast, and you will reap what you have sown in this life as well as others. Karma is at work here. Beware your actions at this time, because the future is a direct result of the life you are living now.
Take With You: Gothic Rose
You have gone through significant changes in your life, and you continue to go through powerful transformations. Through suffering, dark times, and struggles you’ve gained access to your personal power. Remember to carry with you the lessons you’ve learned as well as your ability to transform pain into power. It will serve you well. You may have to sacrifice something or let something go to move on in life.
Leave Behind: White Magick
Something has been holding you back in your life. You have been struggling and carrying something you no longer need. You need to learn to heal yourself, but to do this you must first let go. You’ve been experiencing a lot of transformation in regards to self-love, spirituality, and personal power. You are learning to heal, but to complete this process you must let go of the darkness in your life. Leave behind the memories, experiences, and people making you sick. Also, stop trying to be the wounded healer. If you refuse to take care of yourself you cannot take care of others. Beware of people acting as a parasite and expecting you to solve their problems.
Next Step: Nemesis
You will reap what you have sown. Karma will enter your life in a powerful way, but you control the karma you bring into your space. You are learning to take control of your life and take responsibility for your actions. You will be determining and directing your life instead of acting as the victim. This is an important step towards independence. Remember to stay true to yourself. You determine your future by the actions you take today. You are learning to wield the ultimate power of your choices.
Final Result: Lavender Moon
You will complete a significant transformation. You will develop more self-love and personal power, and you will gain great spiritual insight. You will come back to your true self and everything that makes you beautiful. Listen to your intuition; it is guiding you to a brighter future. You will learn to trust yourself and your own judgement. All the spiritual information you desire will be available to you. You will come to a turning point in your journey. You will be able to manifest your dreams and desires.
Spiritual Advice for Spiritual Path: Spirit of Initiation
You will be awakening into your spiritual path, and you may have struggles to overcome. You are stepping through a gateway, and you are gaining access to the mysteries of the Universe. You will have many new experiences, and you will find truth and wisdom that will help you to overcome obstacles. You are on the path to enlightenment. You have access to inner wisdom. Welcome transformation into your life.
Changes for Spiritual Path: King of Wands
You will go through a phase of rebirth. It is time you left behind your old life and be reborn into the truest version of yourself. You may have to deal with Karma from past lives. Use your creative abilities for spiritual purposes. You are being divinely guided and protected. Connect with nature on a daily basis to uncover spiritual insight.
Life Purpose: King of Bells
You are here to help serve humanity. Through hard work and service you will attract abundance into your life. You are meant to use your skills and craft for a higher purpose. Your soul’s mission and purpose is connected with your creative abilities and how you make a living. Make sure you are living your truth. Weave your spirituality and creativity into the work you do, and you will reap great rewards.
Spiritual Advice for New Beginnings & the Mind: Hunter of Conflict
You may experience conflicts, when you begin something new. You may clash with people who think differently than you. You might have to defend yourself, but you must look for a peaceful solution or approach. Through healing you can learn to be less reactive, and you can more easily deal with conflicts. Learn to forgive and let go. Holding on to the past will only make you miserable. Find balance and inner peace.
Changes for the Mind: Seven of Swords
It appears you are not being honest with yourself or others. Beware the fox. If you continue on a path of dishonesty, the fox will force you into difficult situations for personal growth. You need to learn to be more honest with yourself and with those around you. When you lie to yourself, it only causes you to suffer more. Passion and creativity will allow you to expression your inner truth. Free your mind from illusion created by yourself and those around you.
Inner World: Knight of Leaves
You are being very dishonest with yourself. Learn to control and get rid of self-deception or it will run loose and cause chaos. If you open your eyes to the truth, you will be set free. You are under the influence of many illusions and false beliefs. You cannot manifest your dreams, unless you break free from your illusions.
Spiritual Advice for Passions & Romance: Hunter of Dreams
Go after your dreams and passions. Your dreams have the power to transform you, your life, and those around you. Hope will keep your dreams alive. The Universe will guide and protect you as you pursue your dreams. You can achieve your dreams by transcending your limited self into your higher-self. Your dreams will reveal spiritual truths to help you on your journey. Through dreams and inner wisdom you will have a profound and divinely guided realization in regards to love and life.
Changes for Heart & Romance: The Star
You may have to clear karmic debt in regards to love and romance. However, you are likely to undergo a major transformation and rebirth, when it comes to matters of the heart. You will have to let go of previous ideas and fears about love. Your old self will have to die for you to be reborn into a greater version of yourself. Passion as wild as fire is available to you. Embrace your passions and creativity to attract the love you desire. You will experience immense personal growth in regards to love. Rebirth is the key to a happy love life. You may enter or end relationships with partners from past lives. You will accomplish your dreams by building self-confidence.
Direction of Your Life: Five of Acorns
You are going through many significant transformations and levels of personal growth. You may be stuck in a love triangle. You are gathering your resources. Success and love is available, if you do not try to take what doesn’t belong to you. If you are possessive or envious in your love and life, it will bring misfortune. You can find love through honest affection, appreciation, and respect. These same attributes will help you achieve success.
Spiritual Advice for Emotions & Boundaries: Dancer of Joy
Follow your joy. Rejoice simply for being alive and for the wisdom available to you. You must constantly move onward searching for joy. Awaken to your desires, passions, and your truth. Learn how to enjoy life. Embrace joy and search for it. Then spread the joy! Delight in your transformation, because they are bringing you closer to happiness and your deepest desires. Dive into everything that makes you happy and makes you feel alive. Find happiness within yourself. Only through joy will you achieve your desires. Dance with life and experience its beauty. Joy is available to you at any moment.
Emotional Changes Needed: Nine of Swords
You are living in a state of detachment and emotional manipulation. Emotional growth is very painful at this time, because you refuse to let go of your defenses. Struggling against emotional change brings deep suffering and misfortune. Let go of your emotional defense mechanism. These are keeping you from receiving the love and joy you deserve. By holding onto the past you are only prolonging this phase of transformation. Release what no longer serves you, and it will set you free. If you are breaking spiritual laws or creating negative Karma, you will pay dearly for this choice. You will suffer greatly unless you are willing to change your ways.
Obstacles: Seven of Acorns
You have great difficulties with friendships and intimate relationships. You tend to be detached and distant. You may have distanced yourself from nature, which has disconnected you from yourself. You may have trouble connecting with people or animals, because you are afraid to be vulnerable. Emotional ties may make you very uncomfortable. You dislike animal-like behaviors in yourself in others. You may feel great shame about your animal instincts in regards to sex, violence, emotional responses etc.
Spiritual Advice for the Material Realm: Ancestor of Memory
Remember your true self. Learn spiritual truths and keep them in mind. Use knowledge and memory to break through ignorance and illusions. Memorize spiritual truths and remember spiritual realizations. Reconnect with your truth. Only by remembering who you are will you be lead in the right direction. Remember those you love, and keep them close to your heart. Take time to rediscover ancient truths, so you may heal your past. Look into your genetic memory; it contains messages and wisdom you need. Understand history and utilize it in your life.
Physical & Financial Changes Needed: Nine of Wands
Take a leap of faith and spread your wings. Success is waiting for you beyond the horizon. Abundance is within your grasp. Spiritual wisdom will give you the strength and courage to pursue your dreams. It’s time to grow, and you have to take a risk. There may be struggles ahead, but you will overcome them. Seeing the bigger picture will open doors to new opportunities and possibilities. Acquiring independence will have a healing effect on you. New beginnings offer great abundance. Cultivate inner peace; it will help you to overcome struggles and obstacles. You will receive a message that will help you to further your goals.
How to Overcome Obstacles: Queen of Bells
Openness, joy, gratitude, and generosity will help you to overcome obstacles. Self-expression and creativity will help to ease emotional discomfort. By being loving and open you will attract abundance and love into your life. Self-confidence and joy will draw kind and helpful people to you. Your problems are easily solved through positivity and kindness. Use the law of attraction to your advantage. Be everything you value. You may receive unexpected gifts.