The Power of Self-Love

Self-love is a common topic in psychology and the spiritual community. Its importance cannot be overlooked. Why is self-love so vital? Self-love is the foundation of a healthy mind and a healthy community. The effects of self-love or the lack there of are far reaching.

Self-love starts with the individual. It is vital for having a fulfilling life on this planet. Self-love can transform one’s life from misery to success and enlightenment. Without it one can spend years or even a lifetime suffering. You cannot escape yourself, so you must learn to love yourself. Without self-love we torture ourselves emotional and physically.

Besides avoiding the suffering associated with self-inflicted torture, self-love can transform our circumstances. Self-love is the first step in changing one’s life for the better. It gives us the strength and determination to reach for what we want in our lives. It gives us the motivation to move out of harmful situations, and it guides us to self-respect.

Aside from changing our life, self-love allows us to have deeper more meaningful relationships. When we deny ourselves love and compassion, we tend to deny others of it as well. A lack of self-love leaves room for envy, heartlessness, and other negative emotions to fester. The love we give ourselves represents the love we can give to another. When we are drowning in emotional turmoil, we drag others into our personal drama.

However, when we love ourselves, we take care of our own needs. We break free of patterns of codependency and abuse. When we take care of our needs, we no longer depend on others. We stop demanding and expecting. Instead we move to a state of seeing any love as a gift. Self-love opens the doorway to unconditional love, where we no longer experience pain from love. 

As we develop self-love, we set in motion immense changes in the lives of others. Complete self-love overflows and touches the hearts of others. When we reach out to others with love and compassion, we accelerate their spiritual growth, because we inspire them to love themselves. This moves them towards the same transformative process you experienced. By treating others with acceptance and understanding you give them the space to process all the blocks to their happiness and potential. You show them how to love, and you open the gateway to self-love and compassion for all.

 On the flip side, without self-love we spread our pain. We can create more challenges for people on their spiritual path, because we lack understanding and compassion. The effects can be devastating such as in the case of suicide. The reach of the effects of the lack of self-love is far and wide. It is one of the most prominent issues of the world today. We can pass on our lack of love to our children and our family. If we are in a position of power, we can spread our suffering even farther. A lack of self-love within an individual harms everyone they touch. It is the fuel to war, greed, and many more harmful practices. It is a force of destruction that seeks to consume the planet.

However, the greatest thing you can do for the planet and the Universe is to love yourself. Through loving one’s self we can seek to create a better tomorrow. Self-love can reach even further than the lack of it. If we each strive to love ourselves more, we begin to create a community and a world of compassionate human beings. All “evils” of the world can be healed through self-love and compassion. Through self-love we not only save ourselves, but we can save the planet. Let love guide you, and it will never let you down. Remember one flame is all it takes to lite any and all paths. One flame can create an unlimited resource of light and warmth. You are the flame. Go out into the world and illuminate the lives of those in darkness <3