Pisces Full Moon September 2019

       Full moons represent the peak of manifestation. This moon will most likely manifest the seeds planted, during the new moon in March. What were your intentions, during the beginning of March? If you put in the work, you will likely begin to reap rewards from those intentions. Pisces is ruled by Neptune and is the sign of imagination, illusion, and spirituality. It is like a fog that brings a sense of otherness, but it can also distort reality. The next two weeks will be a time to finish projects associated with these themes. If you have been working on creative projects, this is a great time to wrap them up. Pisces, bring us inspiration and imagination. This is a time to dream, imagine, and overcome limitations. This is also a time to connect with spirituality and the feeling of “oneness.” Embracing your spirituality and connecting to other realms will be easier, during the next two weeks. This is also a great time to meditate, contemplate, relish stillness, and find inner peace.
       This full moon is also conjunct Neptune, which amplifies these themes. However, it is best to be cautious about being deceived or feeling disillusioned at this time. Make sure to take care of your mental health, because Neptune can be associated with depression. Make sure to listen to your inner voice and soul. If not, you risk self-neglect. During this full moon, Neptune is also opposite Mars. There is a distinct need for balancing action with imagination. Dreaming is great, but it needs to be backed by action. Mars is in the sign of Virgo. This can create a bit of a dilemma.  Mars in Virgo can make us procrastinate, due to perfectionist tendencies. However, it is more important to complete the work than for every detail to be perfect. However, Mars in Virgo is perfect for polishing our work. Virgo is about discernment and “separating the wheat from the chaff.” This means that Mars in Virgo can help us apply practicality to our actions and projects. If you are looking to edit, polish, and wrap up a project, Mars is on your side. Just make sure you are not too critical of yourself or others. It is important to harness the positive aspect of Mars in Virgo, during this full moon.
       In addition, this full moon opposes Mars, Venus, and Mercury. Again this presents the dilemma between our ideals and practicality. Finding this balance is essential. It is perfectly normal to pursue our ideals, but it is necessary to marry our ideals with practical application. Mars, Venus, and, Mercury in Virgo ask us to think, act, and create from a place of discernment. Decide what is worth working towards and what is worth letting go. Practicality and discernment are key here. Venus and Mercury are exactly conjunct at the last degree of Virgo. It may be easy to give in to criticism and perfectionism, since this is the most critical and unstable degree of Virgo.
       On top of all this, the nodes along with Saturn and Pluto are creating a mystical rectangle by sextiling and trining this full moon. This creates a sense of fate and destiny. Saturn and Pluto lend a helping hand in creating structure and transformation. The nodes and the Saturn/Pluto conjunction span across the Cancer/Capricorn axis. It is through balancing these energies that we can find a positive outlet for the themes of this full moon. The Cancer/Capricorn axis is all about career vs family. By creating boundaries with family and nourishing ourselves for our career, we can find this balance. Boundaries and emotional nourishment is the key to unlocking the potential of this full moon. Learning to take care of yourself will enable you to finish those projects that you have left unfinished.
       This full moon also creates a T-square to Jupiter. This means there is a risk of overdoing. It is best to avoid drugs and alcohol, because you may go overboard and regret it later. It is also easy to spend too much time dreaming or seeking perfection. The square could bring out the more negative attributes of the oppositions. However, there may be more energy available to us, due to this square. This could help us to take more action. If we can use Virgo’s discernment about what actions to take, we will be much more effective and efficient. In this way, our actions will have a greater impact on our personal lives.