Aries Full Moon October 2019

This full moon is in Aries, which is ruled by Mars. It is likely to manifest intentions set in early April. Aries is ambitious and straight to the point. It likes to start projects, but it rarely follows through without assistance. Aries is a cardinal sign, so it likes to take the lead and be in charge. This can make Aries very good at motivating other people. What projects did you start in early April? Are they manifesting at this time? If your goals have failed to materialize, it may be a time to learn diplomacy and compromise. Aries is more effective, when it learns to play well with others. The next two weeks will be a time to assess your goals, ambitions, independence, assertiveness, and selfish tendencies. Where have you been pushing too hard? Where do you need to learn to be more assertive? Are you motivated and ambitious enough to reach your goals? Are you being too selfish and pushy? Do you need to speak up for yourself more? Where do you need to take the lead or step back? How have you been treating yourself? Ask your higher self these questions and you may be surprised by the answers you receive. If you have been striving for independence, you may achieve it now. Aries asks us to think of ourselves and our relationship to others. This could be a time to wrap up projects you started in April or maybe you will be inspired to take those projects further. However, this could be the end of a leadership position. It may be time to step aside and allow others to take the lead. The Aries/Libra axis is all about balancing our needs with the needs of others. This is definitely a time where compromise and diplomacy are needed. The completion of projects will require the assistance of others. We must learn to appreciate others and their help.
This full moon is creating an exact T-square with Pluto in Capricorn. This signifies a great period of transformation through relationships. Issues from the past will rise from the deep. Previous traumas may be triggered and come to the surface. We can learn to heal our relationships and trauma, if we are willing to enter into the darkness. This full moon is serious and intense. Relationships and our sense of self will be tested. This could be a dark, intense, and difficult time. Our limitations may put a great deal of pressure on us and trigger feelings of helplessness. These limitations and pressures will test the strength of our relationships. We may struggle to find our personal power, which will negatively impact those relationships.
This full moon is also exactly sextile/trine Jupiter in Sagittarius. Relationships will bring us abundance and wisdom, if we are willing to evolve and transform. We can expand our circle of friends and find our soul tribe, during this time. Relationships will lead to creativity, travel, and expansion, if we can overcome the tests of Pluto. This full moon is also squaring Saturn, which means others may disapprove of our relationships. They may try to restrict and/or end them. Any relationship now will need to pass the tests of time, separation, and upheaval. Relationship choices at this time are likely to have a longlasting impact on our lives.
Saturn is sitting on the South Node, which may indicate our current relationships are rooted in fate and past lives. If we are experiencing problems, they may be the result of karmic debts. The nodes and Saturn are creating a kite formation with Neptune, Mercury, and Venus. Intense and spiritual relationships from the past are resurfacing at this time. Our relationships are intense, controversial, and may cause conflict over the next couple of weeks. Old lovers may cause problems in our current relationships or with those in authority. However, these issues are deeply karmic and fated. This formation may indicate interactions with twinflames and/or karmic soulmates. These relationships will be highly transformative and necessary for our soul evolution.
Saturn is square mars, so passions and ambitions are likely to be halted or seemingly thrawted by those in power. Conflict and power struggles are likely at this time. Uranus is trine Saturn and inconjunct Mars, so sudden violence or arguments may break out. Pressures and tempers are high. Longstanding hate and resentment may be brought to the surface.
All in all relationships from the past will resurface and all relationships will be purified and transformed in hellfire to see what remains. Relationships and their foundations will be torn apart. This is a time of death and deep transformation. Take time to grieve what you have lost and burn bridges with those who only cause you harm or bleed you dry.