Aquarius Full Moon August 2021

        This full moon is in the sign of Aquarius, the rebel. This is a time where issues come to a head and projects come to fruition. There is a necessary compromise between what makes you shine and the collective. There is a need to balance friends and lovers as well as risks and business earnings. The full moon is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. Jupiter is often known as the “great benefactor.” Jupiter helps us expand and grow. Since Jupiter is conjunct the full moon in Aquarius, Jupiter is helping us to grow and expand through rebellion, innovation, originality, and breaking through our limits. There may be this feeling of being “too big” for the current version of yourself. You have more you can do, be, and give.

       However, Jupiter is opposite the sun, so try not to overdo it. Make sure you balance your growth and rebellion with your core self and your desire to be noticed. The moon and Jupiter in Aquarius also mean you feel like focusing a lot on friends and the collective. However, make sure to also focus on yourself. There may be issues in these areas, or you may complete a project involving these concepts. There may be issues over friends and lovers or risks and business income. This is a good time to complete projects involving friends, lovers, humanitarianism, innovation, creativity, and business income.

This is also supported by Uranus in Taurus making a trine to Mercury and Mars in Virgo. Uranus in Taurus has probably been shaking up a lot in your life including money, love, values, and assets. However, during the full moon, it is making this beautiful trine. This indicates that the changes you’ve been experiencing support your health, daily life, routine, and work. This could mean that you will experience positive changes in these areas. There is a lot of talk and action here, it supports the changes you’ve been experiencing with money, love, values, and assets.

Also, Saturn in Aquarius is trine Venus in Libra, during the full moon. They’re close in degrees and Saturn is the secondary ruler of Aquarius, so it’s rather important. Venus rules love, money, and beauty, and it is in harmony with Saturn, which rules time, restrictions, and mastery. This represents money, love, and beauty that lasts for a long-time and improves over time. Saturn in Aquarius brings changes to structures, tradition, and restrictions. This being trine Venus may indicate changes in how we obtain long-lasting love and financial security. Venus being in Libra suggests a focus on beauty, relationships, justice, and compromise. There will likely be a need for compromise and significant changes in relationships and the justice system.