New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio
On a positive note, this eclipse reveals an emerging transformation. In general, eclipses indicate important changes and shifts in your life. New moon eclipses specifically represent some form of new beginning and tend to unfold within the following year or two. However, this eclipse being in Scorpio signifies an even deeper change. Scorpio is the sign of transformation. This shows a new beginning that will transcend the physical realm and reach into the depths of your soul.
Eclipse Ruled by Mars & Double Pluto
On the other hand, this eclipse is ruled by the War God Mars and doubly ruled by the King of the Underworld, Pluto. This gives it further power and influence. The energy of Mars makes this eclipse aggressive, assertive, and pushy. Wherever the eclipse shows up in your chart may bring aggravation and conflict. The affect of Pluto also guarantees power struggles. You are likely to be triggered and pushed to your limits. Scorpio brings trauma, pain, addiction, lust, and your shadow to the surface. It’s time to clean the skeletons out of your closet. This is great for doing shadow work and moving beyond perceived limitations.
Eclipse Conjunct Venus & Mercury
Strangely enough, this eclipse is exactly conjunct Venus and closely conjunct Mercury. Venus is the planet of love and money. It can often bring a beneficial influence to a planet, aspect, or chart. However, Venus is in the 1st couple degrees of Scorpio, which suggests obsession and possession regarding love and material wealth. Be careful in any new endeavors dealing with love and finances. You or a partner are likely to display too much jealousy, which can become overbearing. Be aware that powerful people may influence your income and material possessions at this time.
In addition, you will likely hear a lot about powerful people, money, sex, crime, addiction, and corruption. Mercury is sharing information about these topics from the sign of Libra. This could mean that court cases or cries for justice bring attention to these topics. Art containing these themes may draw more attention to these discussions. There is a call for balancing the scales.
Eclipse Square Pluto
Unfortunately, this eclipse is making a wide square to its primary ruler Pluto. This reinforces the presence of power struggles, especially regarding corporations and powerful people. It also emphasizes the need to “grow or die.” Squares create conflict and tension, which means that certain actions must be taken to relieve this pressure. By transforming the structures and boundaries in your life (Pluto in Capricorn), you will be able to transform yourself (New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio.)
Eclipse Trine Mars
Thankfully, this eclipse is making a nice trine to Mars in Gemini. This provides a nice outlet for all that intense energy. Mars being the co-ruler of the eclipse gives this aspect even greater power, and it’s helpful that Mars works well in Gemini. In this placement Mars is able to think and act accordingly. It acts on the information that is available, and it is able to build momentum.
However, this trine means that events related to the eclipse will happen quickly without any means to stop them. This is a very active eclipse. The tension and build up from the conjunctions and squares will find a quick release through Mars for better or for worse. By looking at your chart, you can see where this energy will unfold.
Eclipse Inconjunct Jupiter
On a final note, this eclipse is closely inconjunct Jupiter in Aries, which can create an imbalance between your spiritual transformation and your culture. You are likely to experience backlash from the people around you, if you go through a personal transformation. Toxic conditioning masked as culture could lead to conflict. Internal and occult wisdom may seem out of balance with the religious and cultural messages surrounding you.
If you want to know how this eclipse will affect you personally, schedule an eclipse reading here:
Scheduling – Psychic Readings