Extended Solar Return Report



The Extended Solar Return Report is perfect for more experienced astrologers who want a look at the year ahead. You have a Solar Return every year, and this report gives you an in-depth analysis of your Solar Return Chart. It begins by explaining the purpose and meaning of a Solar Return Chart as well as how it’s calculated. Then, it goes over the 12 houses and which types are most prominent in the year ahead. Next, it explains the importance of the Sun’s position in the chart and what this means for the coming year. This report also includes a description for any contacts between the planets and the cusps of each house in the Solar Return Chart. Plus, it reveals the meaning of any contacts between your Solar Return Chart and your birth chart. In addition, this report gives an interpretation of the aspects from the planets in both charts to the Solar Return Horizon (Ascendant) and Midheaven. Not to mention, it also covers the progressed Moon and angles as well as the transiting Sun. Lastly, it has a closing note about documenting your Solar Return experiences and choosing where to have your Solar Return. This report is great for astrologers who want to know more about the coming year!

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